Safle Announces its Farming Partnership Program with Dfyn

3 min readJan 14, 2022

We are very excited to announce that Safle has partnered with Dfyn, to bring Safle’s community members an amazing farming program. Safle is premiering this program with a very lucrative launch pool with high rewards for people providing liquidity for the SAFLE-USDC pair. The current estimated APY for the launch pool is juicyy to say the least — Grab it while you can!

Built with an intent of facilitating safe & simple access to the world of Web3 Safle does all that it can to ensure a seamless experience for both the users and developers. In the retail segment, Safle is a decentralised blockchain identity wallet that enables secure private key management and seamless experience for dApps, DeFi and NFTs. For the developers, Safle provides multi-chain wallets as a service as well as node infra. support to communicate with blockchains. To make its mission a success, having good liquidity comes as a cherry on the pie and this is exactly where Dfyn comes into the picture.

The initial launch farm will be followed by exciting trading competitions and additional farms will also be opened to reward community members providing liquidity.

Steps to start farming:

  1. Create a SAFLE & USDC pool with 50% SAFLE / 50% USDC here:
  2. Once created you will receive your LP tokens.
  3. Now go to:
  1. Click on “Deposit LP Tokens”, connect, and confirm.
  2. Reap the rewards and claim them as per the release schedule: Rewards can be claimed over a period 8 months in five tranches: Day 0 (last day of staking period), Day 60, Day 120, Day 180 and Day 240.

Both the communities aim to create a conjugal environment for DeFi users to thrive upon, the farming program is another step towards our unified mission. 👨🏽‍🚀 ✨

About Safle

A next-generation non custodial wallet, self sovereign identity protocol and Web 3.0 infra. provider for the decentralised ecosystem, governed by community. Safle is a decentralised blockchain identity wallet that enables secure private key management and seamless experience for dApps, DeFi and NFTs. In order to maintain a balance between developers and retail users, Safle intends to develop a wallet infrastructure in a completely non-custodial fashion using Open Governance Mechanisms via the SafleDAO coordinated and maintained by the Safle token economy. The native $SAFLE token will not only enable token holders to propose and vote on changes (governance privileges) to functionalities and feature sets of the wallet and node services, but will also create a self-sustaining token economic model where value will be generated by providing access to finance and identity in the decentralised digital world.

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About Dfyn

Dfyn is a multi-chain AMM DEX currently functional on the Polygon network and Fantom. Dfyn nodes on various chains act as liquidity entry and exit points into the cross-chain liquidity super mesh that is being enabled by Router Protocol.

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Next-gen crypto wallet and blockchain infra. provider for the decentralised ecosystem, governed by the community.