2 min readSep 4, 2021



A next-generation non custodial wallet, self sovereign identity protocol and Web3 infra. provider for the decentralised ecosystem, governed by community.

Safle is a decentralised blockchain identity wallet that enables secure private key management and seamless experience for dApps, DeFi and NFTs.

“Buying & Selling, Transferring and Storing crypto should be as hassle free as using a social media platform or email.” Our vision is to create frictionless experiences for users and developers wanting to access and build on decentralised infrastructures. With our Web Application, Browser Extension and Phone Application, retail users are able to enjoy various features with a SafleID account that comes with a fully functional name enabled vault. This helps the retail users to HODL with Safle.

“Building applications on blockchain is a tidy bit difficult, given the limited knowledge of programming languages and frameworks like truffle and ganache. Therefore, it can be cumbersome for normal web developers to build applications that can interface with the blockchain.” SafleNode Web3 Infrastructure along with SafleKeyless allows developers to easily onboard users onto their decentralised applications. SafleNode stack provides auto deploy node services for requesting connections through RPC(Remote Procedure Call) to communicate with the blockchain. Currently, SafleNo- de provides services for EVM compatible blockchains (Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Optimism) and plans to further the support on Tezos, Polkadot and prominently used blockchains as per the community demand. This helps the developers ecosystem BUIDL with Safle.

In order to maintain a balance between developers and retail users, we intend to develop wallet infrastructure in a completely non-custodial fashion using Open Governance Mechanisms via the SafleDao coordinated and maintained by the Safle token economy. The native $SAFLE token will not only enable token holders to propose and vote on changes (governance privileges) to functionalities and feature sets of the wallet and node services, but will also create a self-sustaining token economic model where value will be generated by providing access to finance and identity in the decentralised digital world.

Masterkey to the cryptoverse is now here. Get ready to #GoBeyond with Safle! Stay tuned for further communications.

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Next-gen crypto wallet and blockchain infra. provider for the decentralised ecosystem, governed by the community.