We are elated to announce the launch of our single asset Vault on Dfyn for $SAFLE holders on Polygon network for a duration of 6 months. We’re incentivising true hodlers of the Safle ecosystem with a guaranteed 50% APR.
How to participate:
1. Deposit $SAFLE here.
2. The pool staked and rewards accrued can be claimed linearly over the period of 6 months.
Liquidity Farming 2.0
There’s more! We have decided to renew the SAFLE-USDC and SAFLE-DFYN liquidity mining ecosystem pools for another 30 days. Users can continue to stake their tokens in these pools to earn massive rewards and provide to the Safle ecosystem.
Steps to farm:
- Grab your LP tokens and bring ’em here.
2. Click on “Deposit” — “Deposit Dfyn LP Tokens” connect and confirm.
3. Reap the rewards! LP Assets can be staked and un-staked anytime.The rewards will be distributed on a block basis and can be claimed anytime.
We have a lot more in store for the community. Stay tuned SafleNauts! ✨💙
About Safle
A next-generation non custodial wallet, self sovereign identity protocol and Web 3.0 infra. provider for the decentralised ecosystem, governed by community. Safle is a decentralised blockchain identity wallet that enables secure private key management and seamless experience for dApps, DeFi and NFTs. In order to maintain a balance between developers and retail users, Safle intends to develop a wallet infrastructure in a completely non-custodial fashion using Open Governance Mechanisms via the SafleDAO coordinated and maintained by the Safle token economy. The native $SAFLE token will not only enable token holders to propose and vote on changes (governance privileges) to functionalities and feature sets of the wallet and node services, but will also create a self-sustaining token economic model where value will be generated by providing access to finance and identity in the decentralised digital world.
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About Dfyn
Dfyn is a multi-chain AMM DEX currently functional on the Polygon network and Fantom. Dfyn nodes on various chains act as liquidity entry and exit points into the cross-chain liquidity super mesh that is being enabled by Router Protocol.
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